Fussy, fusspot and fussbudget in other languages

Typical expressions, idioms

Meaning of Fussy, fusspot and fussbudget (US)

A fussy, fusspot or fussbudget person is someone who gives excessive or anxious concern about details and worries or complains about unimportant things. They sometimes may be a pain in the ass.

Examples of Fusspot

She’s so fussy about the wedding! – everything has to be absolutely perfect.

This technician is a fusspot, but his films come out impeccably edited.

He is a fussy eater.

Origin of Fusspot

It comes from fuss (to worry or complain about trifles), of uncertain origin, perhaps an echoic word. Earliest documented use in 1921.

Fusspot in Catalan

Fussy, fusspot and fussbudget in Catalan

Fusspot in French

Fusspot is pinailleur or difficil in French . A more derogatory French term is chiant.

fussy fusspot fussbudget in French

Fusspot in Spanish

In Spanish (from Spain), Fusspot is tiquismiquis .

titismiquis perepunyetes in Spanish perepunyetes in Spanish

It is not my cup of tea

It’s not my cup of tea. Definition, examples and equivalents in other languages.

You say that something is not your cup of tea when it is unconvincing or fails to satisfy. It is mostly used in the negative form, but you can also use it in the positive form to say that you like something. An equivalent expression in English is It doesn’t float my boat. You can say it in positive (for instance, Ok, whatever floats your boat) or in the negative form.

It's not my cup of tea
idioms typical expressions
It's my cup of tea
idioms typical expressions
It doesn't float my boat


Football is not my cup of tea, but my brother loves it.

Rococo staircases are not my cup of tea.

Hip Hop is much more my cup of tea than techno music.

It is not my cup of tea in other languages.

It is not my cup of tea in Catalan

In Catalan, a very usual and idiomatic equivalent expression for It is not my cup of tea is No em fa el pes (literally, it doesn’t do me the weight) or No m’acaba de fer el pes (literally, It fails to do me the weight). Yeah, we know it sounds weird, but it is quite widespread.

It's not my cup of tea in Catalan
It's not my cup of tea
idioms typical expressions

It is not my cup of tea in (Mandarin) Chinese

The equivalent idiom in Mandarin Chinese is 不是我的菜 (literally, This is not my dish).

It is not my cup of tea in Mandarin Chinese
It's not my cup of tea
idioms typical expressions

It is not my cup of tea in Czech

In Czech you can say NenĂ­ to mĹŻj ĹĄĂĄlek kĂĄvy/čaje (literally, It’s not my cup of coffee/tea).

It's not my cup of tea in czech
idioms typical expressions

It is not my cup of tea in French

In French, just like in English, you can say Ce n’est pas ma tasse de thĂŠ (literally, It is not my cup of tea) or C’est (pas) mon truc (FR) (literally, it’s not my thing), to say that you don’t like something. The familiar C’est (pas) mon dĂŠlire (literally, It’s not my delirium) works as well in circles of young friends. Another familiar expression is C’est (pas) mon dada (literally, It’s not my hobby), which is older. It works in negative form but is mostly used affirmatively.

It is not my cup of tea in French

It is not my cup of tea in German

In German you can say Das ist nicht mein Ding (literally, It is not my thing).

It is not my cup of tea in German
Das ist nicht mein Ding

It is not my cup of tea in Italian

In Italian you can say Non fa per me (literally, it does not do for me). It is very similar to the Catalan expression No fa per mi. Other expressions in Italian you may use to express the same idea are Non è il mio genere (literally, It is not my genre), Non è il mio forte (Informal, literally, It is not my strength), Non è roba per me (colloquial and slightly regional, literally, These are not clothes for me), Non è di mio gradimento (formal, literally, It is not my liking), Non è di mio gusto (formal, literally, It is not of my taste).

It is not my cup of tea in Italian
Non fa per me

It is not my cup of tea in Japanese

In Japanese you can say 好みではない (pronounced Konomide wanai, literally, It doesn´t enter my ki).

It is not my cup of tea in Malay

In Malai language you can say Bukan bidang aku la (literally, not my field).

Bukan bidang aku la It's not my field in Malay

It is not my cup of tea in (Brazilian) Portuguese

In Brazilian Portuguese the equivalent expression is NĂŁo ĂŠ minha praia (literally, this is not my beach).

It is not my cup of tea in (Brazilian) Portuguese

It is not my cup of tea in Russian

It is not my cup of tea in Russian is Это но моё / Это но в моём вкусо, pronounced Eto ne moyo / Eto ne v moyom vkuse (Literally: It’s not mine / It’s not to my liking).

It's not my cup of tea in Russian
idioms typical expressions

It is not my cup of tea in Spanish

In Spanish you may say No es santo de mi devotiĂłn (literally, He is not a saint of my devotion) or No es plato de mi gusto (literally, It is not a dish of my taste *). 

It is not my cup of tea in Spanish

And that’s pretty much it. Thank you for visiting Nuts (Tocat del Bolet)!

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That’s a different kettle of fish

Idioms ~That’s a different kettle of fish in other languages


(to) be a different kettle of fish refers to a topic or situation which is enterily different from the one that was just being discussed. Synonym: It’s a horse of a different color.

That's a different kettle of fish
It's a horse of a different color
It's a horse of a different color


… I suppose we could organize a party, but that’s an entirely different kettle of fish, we were discussing about the impact of the economic crisis on the labour market.

However, MPs are something of a different kettle of fish to the MEPs in my view.

That’s a different kettle of fish in Catalan

In Catalan there is the idiom SĂłn figues d’un altre paner (literally, These are figs from another basket).

That's a different kettle of fish in Catalan

That’s a different kettle of fish in French

In French, the closest equivalent is Une autre paire de manches (literally, another pair of sleeves).

That's a different kettle of fish in French
That’s a different kettle of fish in French: c’est une autre paire de manches.

That’s a different kettle of fish in German

In German it is ein ganz anderes Para Schuhe (literally, These are another pair of shoes).

That's a different kettle of fish in German

That’s a different kettle of fish in Italian

Depending on the context, there are 3 versions in Italian, namely, la cosa cambia aspetto (literally, the thing changes of aspect) , è un altro paio di maniche (literally, that’s another pair of sleeves) o questo è ben altro affare (literally, That’s a completey different matter).

That's a different kettle of fish in Italian

That’s a different kettle of fish in Spanish

In Spanish there is the idiom Eso es harina de otro costal (literally, this is flour from another sack/bag).

That's a different kettle of fish in Spanish

Nuts ~ Tocat del Bolet is a blog that aims to promote and share Catalan language and culture throughout its most typical expressions, in a fun and informative way.

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Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle

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Common British English expressions translated to Catalan II

Typical British expressions and their equivalent in Catalan language PART 2


Welcome back! Here are 20 further common British English expressions translated to Catalan. As in the first part of Common BrE expressions translated to Catalan, they sound very idiomatic in both languages, so, again, if you ever go to the UK or Catalonia and use these expressions, you will probably impress locals.So let’s have a look at these new expressions:

(to) be stuffed

To be stuffed means to be very full. In Catalan language it can be translated as the very idiomatic expression estar tip, for example No en vull mĂŠs. Estic tip (I’m good. I’m stuffed).

I’m gutted

I’m gutted means that I am very disappointed. In Catalan, you can say M’he quedat xof / Estic decebut/da.

I’m gutted

(To) be in a pickle

It means (to) be in a difficult or confused situation. In Catalan Estar (ficat) en un merder / embolic.

I’m in a pickle.

That’s mental / It’s mental

Something is crazy or surprising. In Catalan És de bojos (to say that something is a madness) or Quina passada or Brutal (for a surprising thing) depending on the context..

It’s mental!

Give me a bell

It basically means Get in touch with me or Call me. Very similar to the expression we saw in the first part Give me a tinkle (on the blower)> In Catalan, you can say Fes-me un truc or just Truca’m (Call me).

Give me a bell

(to) be in a mood

It means (to) be in a bad mood / upset. In Catalan slang you can say Estar ratllat. In a colloquial language you can say No estar del tot fi/fina or Estar de mala lluna.

I’m in a mood

Crickey / Blimey

It is an expressions to show shock or surprise. In Catalan, you can say Ostres!, ospa! (this one quite provincial), Caram! or, in slang language Wala! (this one quite urban).

(to) take the mickey out of someone

It means to make a joke about someone or to tease them. You are taking the mickey out of me. In Catalan You are taking the mickey out of me can be translated as Em fots el pèl or Me l’estĂ s fotent.

He’s taking the mickey out of us.

(to) pull someone’s leg

Very similar to make the mickey out of someone. This somewhat old-fashioned expression means to make a joke about someone or to tease them. In Catalan Prendre / fotre el pèl.

(to) faff about / around

We are constantly doing it, specially with social networks. Waffing about or around means to waste time doing unimportant tasks instead of the thing that one should be doing. In Catalan you can say Fer el dropo or Perdre / Matar el temps.

(to) lose the plot

(to) Lose the plot means (to) become confused / (to) do something crazy. In Catalan you can say anar-se’n l’olla. Se m’ha anat l’olla (I lost the plot).

I’ve lost the plot

That’s crap

Slang. You wouldn’t use it in a formal situation. You use it to say that something is not good, that something is rubbish, of low quality. In Catalan you can say És una merda or de merda (if it works as an adjective). For instance una peli de merda (A crap movie). We love the expression Una merda pinxada en un pal (literally, a shit pricked with a stick) to refer to something that is worth nothing.

(to) nick

(to) Nick is slang for (to) steal something. In Catalan you can say Pispar (slang). There is also the slang word mangar, if you like. It is not so genuine as pispar, but many people say it.

(to) have had one’s chips

(to) fail at something or lose an opportunity. In Catalan you can say Cagar-la or espifiar-la. L’he cagat! (=I’ve had my chips!). Nano, l’has cagat! (Dude, you’ve had your chips!)

You’ve had your chips.

The bee’s knees

Slang. Something that is excellent, of a high quality. In Catalan language is ser la hòstia, una passada, brutal. Top. Pensa que ĂŠs la hòstia, però nomĂŠs ĂŠs una altra poser d’Instagram (=She thinks she is the bee’s knees, but she’s just another Instagram poser).

(to) take the biscuit

It means (to) be rude/offensive/particularly bad. In Catalan is ser un estĂşpid, ser un impresentable, (or un borde).


As we saw in the first part of this series, it is synonymous with Knackered, which means very tired. In Catalan it is Fet pols or Rebentat. Estic fet pols. Estic rebentat. (I’m knackered. I’m shattered).

I’m shattered

I’m not being funny, but

It means I don’t mean to be rude, but… (very idiomatic, it sounds very British). In Catalan you can say No ĂŠs per tallar el rotllo, però… Notice that here the word funny changes its meaning.

I’m not being funny, but…

A spanner in the works

It refers to something unexpected that can disrupt or confuse a situation. In Catalan you can say Posar pals a les rodes. For instance, Van retirar el finançament per l’espectacle i això va posar pals a les rodes (The funding for the show was withdrawn so that really threw a spanner in the works). As you may know, a spanner is a tool with a shaped opening or jaws for gripping and turning a nut or bolt, so the metaphor is quite clear here.

(to) head somewhere

It essentially means (to) go somewhere. In Catalan, Fer cap a algun lloc. Fem cap a la festa. We’re heading for the party.

Mint / That’s mint

It refers to something that is excellent or in perfect condition. In Catalan you can say Genial, perfecte or de pu*a mare.. (the missing word is t). For instance That’s mint! (EstĂ  perfecte)


Slang for umbrella. Informal. Oh, no! I forgot my brolly! Catalan: ParaigĂźes.


Colloquial expression for BBC. Informal.


Short for University. Informal. Catalan: la Uni.


Short for television. Informal. There’s nothing on the telly. Catalan: No fan res a la tele.


Colloquial for Christmas. Informal. Are you going away for Chrimbo? Catalan: Nadal.


Short for football. Informal. Catalan: Futbol.


Short for Off-License. Informal. I’m just going to get some beers from the offi. Catalan: Botiga de queviures

Tommy K

Colloquial for Tomato Ketchup. Informal. Catalan: Ketchup.


Short for vegetables. Informal. Catalan: verdures.


Short for biscuit. Informal. Catalan: galeta.


Short for breakfast. Informal. Catalan: esmorzar.

Tocat del Bolet is a blog that aims to promote and share Catalan language and culture throughout its most typical expressions, in a fun and informative way.

Thank you for your attention. We look forward to your comments and questions. Nuts ~Tocat del bolet, Catalan culture crossing borders! Share this post!

Don’t miss out on:

Common British English expressions translated to Catalan I

Common British English expressions translated to Catalan III (Slang edition)

Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle in Catalan

Have a good one! (Que vagi bĂŠ!)

Common British English expressions translated to Catalan

Typical British expressions and their equivalent in Catalan language

Very British English expressions translated to Catalan

Here are 22 common British English expressions translated to Catalan. As a matter of fact, they sound very idiomatic in both languages, so if you ever go to Catalonia and you use these Catalan expressions, you will probably blow people’s minds!

By the way, you may have wondered what the name of this blog, “tocat del bolet” means. It is a Catalan idiom that can be translated into English as cracked; crazy; potty; round the bend; nuts; crackers; bonkered or (as) nutty as a fruitcake .

This is our first post in English. However, if you visit the section in Catalan, at least you’ll be able to translate them with google translate. We know it’s not the same, specially with idioms, but it can give you an idea about this blog.

Let us however, without further ado, take a good look at the list of genuine British expressions.

I’m knackered!

I’m knackered means “I’m very tired”. In Catalan, “Estic fet pols” (literally, “I’m dust”) or “Estic fet caldo” (literally, “I’m broth”). Both “Estic fet pols” and “Estic fet caldo” are what Catalan native speakers would naturally say when they are really tired.

It’s not my cup of tea

“It’s not my cup of tea” means “I don’t like it very much” or “I’m not very fond of sth” or “It’s not my type”. In Catalan, “No em fa el pes” (literally, “It doest make the weight”). I know, it doesn’t make much sense, but you know, idioms not always have a literal meaning. It is a very common Catalan expression. If you want to say that someone is not your type, you can also say “no ĂŠs el meu tipus” .

It's not my cup of tea in Catalan
Catalan expressions

Fancy a cuppa?

It is an invitation to have tea together. In Catalan, “Fem un te?” (literally, “let’s have a tea (together)”) . You can actually use the verb fem with coffee, beers…

☕ Fancy a cuppa?

I’m pissed

It means that you are drunk. In Catalan, “Vaig pet” . Literally, “I go fart”.


Maybe the quintessential British word. It is slang for “friend” . It is very common in Australia too, and although it is not used in American English,  it is understood by English speakers all over the world. In Catalan, “company” . You can also use the word “amic” (friend), but it has slightly different connotations.

That’s rubbish!

It means “nonesense”. In Catalan, “I què mĂŠs?!” (literally, “And what more!?”, or “Au, vinga!” (literally, “C’mon, you can’t be serious!” ). On the other hand, “Bollocks!” can be translated as “Collonades!” (literally, “bollocks!”).


It is a swear word that refers to the male organs contained in the scrotum. In Catalan “Collons!” if you are cursing and “collonades” if you are referring to information deliberately intended to mislead or nonsense. “Collons” is one of the first swear words a foreigner learns in Catalan.

Bob’s your uncle

Bob’s your uncle is added to the end of sentences to express “and that’s it” . In Catalan you can say “i llestos” (literaly, “and ready”) at the end of a sentence to convey the same meaning. In Catalan there’s also another possibility, which is “tal dia farĂ  un any” (literally, “any day, a year will have passed by”) and it is used to downplay an issue.

Bob's your uncle

Fancy that

Primarily heard in UK. Usually said when someone is surprised to hear or see something. In Catalan, you can say “Ves per on!” . It is a very Catalan expression quite difficult to translate. It literally means “Go along where!” or even, in not such a literal way, “I didn’t expect that coming!” .

Damp squib

See the meaning in the picture below. In Catalan, “un bluf” (literally, “a flop”).

Bugger off!

It means “Go away” . In Catalan you can say “fot el camp!” (literally, “fuck the field”. Yes, we know, it sounds kind of weird, but in Catalan it sounds very natural, although, come to think of it, it is quite rude).

Bugger off! Sod off! Fot el camp!
Bugger off! Sod off! Fot el camp!

Sod off!

It also means “Go away” . In Catalan you can say “fot el camp“(see previous entry)

Fancy a few sherbets?

That’s an invitation to have some beers or spirits together. In Catalan, “Fem unes birres?” (literally, “let’s have some beers?”. The word sherbet apparently has a comedic effect when pronounced in a South London accent.

Can’t be arsed

It means “Cannot be bothered”, or that you don’t feel it worthwhile to make the effort of standing up and doing something. In Catalan, there is the slang expression “No em ratllis” (literally, “Don’t grate me”). This implies that you don’t feel like being bothered by someone.

What a cock up!

It means “What a mistake!” . In Catalan, you can say “Quina cagada!” (literally, “what a shit!” or “what a blunder!”) o “Quina ficada de pota!” (something along the lines of “Ooops, I’ve really put my foot in it!”).

I have to spend a penny

It means “I have to go to the toilet”. In Catalan “vaig a canviar l’aigua de les olives” (literally, “I’m going to change the water of my olives”).

What are you going on about?

It means “What are you talking about?”. In Catalan slang is “Què t’empatolles?” .

(S)He’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic 

It means “(S)He is not very smart”. In Catalan, “ĂŠs una mica curt/a de gambals” .

You’re a ledge

This is a shortening of the word “legend.” A legend is someone who is very good at something, even well-known, often for doing something great or incredible.  In Catalan, “Ets un crack!” . Messi is a ledge! El Messi ĂŠs un crack.

Bloody hell!

It is a curse to show that you are angry. There are many ways to translate this expression in Catalan, such as “MaleĂŻt sia!” (literally, “Damn it”) or “Em cago en tot!” (literally , “I shit on everything”).

Give me a tinkle on the blower

It means “Give me a call” or “ring me”. The phrase is often shortened to “give me a tinkle” . Many Catalans say “Fes-me un truc” (literally, “make me a call”). But watch out! If you ask a magician “Fes-me un truc”, you are actually asking them to do a magic trick for you.

It’s swings and roundabouts

This idiom has to do with life’s ups and downs, with gains and losses that offset each other. In Catalan there is an idiom that reads “Una de freda i una de calenta” (literally, “A cold one and a hot one”) which has the same meaning.

It's swings and roundabouts in Catalan

Common British English expressions translated to Catalan II

Common British English expressions translated to Catalan III

Tocat del Bolet is a blog that aims to promote and share Catalan language and culture throughout its most typical expressions, in a fun and informative way.

Thank you for your attention. We look forward to your comments and questions. Nuts ~Tocat del bolet, Catalan culture crossing borders! Share this post!