(to) Pull one’s chestnuts out of the fire

(to) pull one’s chestnuts out of the fire

pull one's chestnuts out of the fire in Catalan


Depending on the context it can mean 1) (to) pull (one’s) chestnuts out of the fire, to save one from some difficult or precarious situation or 2) (to) pull someone’s chestnuts out of the fire. or (to) pull someone’s chestnuts out of the fire, to succeed in a hazardous undertaking for someone else’s benefit.

(to) pull one’s chestnuts out of the fire in Catalan

Treure’s les castanyes del foc.

(to) pull one’s chestnuts out of the fire in French

Tirer les marrons du feu

(to) pull one’s chestnuts out of the fire in Spanish

Sacar(se) las castañas del fuego

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