Put two and two together in other languages

(to) put two and two together translated to other languages.

Meaning of (to) Put two and two together

“Put two and two togethers” is an expression that means “understanding different facts that seemed unrelated by establishing the relationships between them”. It is a way of saying that you have understood a situation or problem after connecting different dots or ideas that seemed to have nothing to do with each other.

put two and two together

Origin of Put two and two together

The idiom “Put two and two together” has been in use since the mid-1800s and is an abbreviation of a longer maxim that dates back to the 1600s: “The notion is as clear as that Two and Two makes four.” The phrase is used to describe the act of making an obvious deduction or conclusion by combining two pieces of information. It’s interesting to note that the phrase “two and two make four” was used as a paradigm of the obvious conclusion.

put two and two together

Examples of Put two and two together

Here are a few sentences with the expression put two and two together:

Peter put two and two togetherand understoond what had just happened.
When she saw how the teacher and her husband looked at each other, Eva put two and two together.
When you’re in an Escape Room, you have to put two and two together in order to get out.
Ah, dammit… I’ve just put two and two together. Fancy that! The butler is the killer!

Put two and two together in Catalan

To say Put two and two together in Catalan you say ‘lligar cas (literally, to tie heads).

Put two and two together in French

In French, to put two and two together is ‘relier les Ă©vènements ‘, ‘ dĂ©duire par recoupements ‘, or ‘ faire des rapprochements ‘ (literally, “to connect events”, “to deduce by cross-checking”, or “to make connections”)

Put two and two togethers in Italian

In Italian, the expression meaning put two and two together, is very similar to English: it is called ‘fare due piĂą due’ (literally, as in English, ‘Put two and two together’, or ‘add two and two’).

Put two and two together in Spanish

In Spanish, put two and two together is ‘atar cabos’ (literally, to tie ropes).

And so far today’s expression. We hope you found it interesting. If so, please share! In Tocat del Bolet (Nuts) you will find  idioms, typical expressions, sayings and proverbs galore.. Just visit the section that interests you the most.

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