Everything will be fine in other languages

Catalan, French, Spanish, German, Korean, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Chinese…

Due to the current global coronavirus outbreak, the expression Everything will be fine has become popular, first in Italy, then in Catalonia and Spain. Kids are making drawings on paperboard or linen and hanging them on the balconies or windows. But how can we say this expression in different languages? Here you are:

Everything will be fine in Catalan

Tot anirà bé.

Everything will be fine in Chinese (Mandarin)


Everything will be fine in French

There are several alternatives in French. These are the most popular:
“Tout va bien se passer”
“Tout ira bien”
“ça va aller”
“ça ira”

Tout va bien se passer Everything will be fine in French

Everything will be fine in Spanish

Todo irá bien

Everything will be fine in German

Alles wird gut!

Everything will be fine in Korean

다 잘될거야

Everything will be fine in Italian

Tutto andrà bene // Andrà tutto bene

everything will be fine in Italian
Andrà tutto bene

Everything will be fine in Japanese


大丈夫だよ Everything will be fine in Japanese

Everything will be fine in Polish

Wszystko będzie dobrze

Everything will be fine in Portuguese

 Tudo ficará bem

 Tudo ficará bem
everything will be fine in Portuguese

Everything will be fine in Russian

все будет хорошо

все будет хорошо Everything will be fine in Russian

Everything will be fine in Swedish

Allt kommer att bli bra

Allt kommer att bli bra Everything will be fine in Swedish

Everything will be fine song in Italian and Catalan:

To conclude, just add that in English you can also say Everything will be ok, everything will be alright, Everything is going to be fine/ok/alright…

So chin up! What can’t be cured must be endured, but remember: every cloud has a silver lining, so for the time being we’ll have to bite the bullet and wait for the calm after the storm.

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